Canada has over 10,000 landfills, but as each year goes by, businesses are generating more commercial waste. Though people are taking it upon themselves to personally try and solve the problem, landfills are filling up, causing residents, scientists, and politicians much panic. The price tag on recycling and other waste management best practices is a perceived hurdle to solving the problem.
Compacting commercial waste, however, doesn't only cost the environment less, but it can also save your company money in the long run. Read the rest of this post to learn more about how compacting waste lowers waste disposal costs.
Any waste that a business generates counts as commercial waste. However, the nature of your business may dictate the type of waste you're creating.
The basics (paper from offices, plastic from the lunch room, etc.) are generated by virtually every business with an office. Many of these are easily disposed of or compacted pre-disposal. All you need to add to your business assets is some type of industrial shredder, baler, or compactor.
If your business generates steel, chemical, medical, or toxic waste, then these need to be dealt with in terms of appropriate legislation.
Compacting waste is simply the process of making the waste smaller in volume so that it takes up less space. There are several ways you can do this before a waste disposal service takes it away.
Getting a shredder that can handle plastic packaging, cardboard, and other common materials found at the office is quite common. You could also purchase a baler that puts papers and cardboard together neatly and tightly. If you go through a lot of cardboard during your operations, then this is a way to save space in your bins.
A step up from a baler is a private waste compactor. There's great variance in size; you can get small ones for the office to gigantic ones that can sit outside and compact your waste for you before your disposal service comes to fetch it.
The first way compacting waste can save you money is that compact waste can easily fit into fewer disposal service vehicles. You won't have to contract for as many vehicles or as many trips to take your waste to a landfill or processing site. If you rent dumpsters, you also get away with needing to empty them out less or needing to rent fewer dumpsters at a time.
Another way compacting waste saves on waste disposal costs is that you won't pay for as high a volume of waste at a disposal site if that's part of your contract. Be sure to check whether your contract measures waste by weight or volume.
Compacting waste is an alternative to reducing waste if you have economic or environmental concerns. An industrial shredder, baler, or waste compactor is easy to buy or rent. Implementing these devices as part of your waste management process can make things cheaper and easier for you in the long run.
If you start compacting your commercial waste for environmental or economic reasons, you'll need a trustworthy waste disposal service. At D.B.L. Disposal, we take sustainable waste management seriously. Take a look at our range of offerings for recycling services to see how you can handle your waste and compacted waste in an eco-friendly way.