Despite the fact that sustainable waste management has come to the forefront of public interest over the past few decades, there are many people who still don’t recycle. Some may not know where to find a recycling depot, while others may not understand the benefits or simply feel that they don’t have the time. Keep reading to learn the top three reasons why some people don’t recycle and three reasons why they should.
Here are the most common reasons some people choose not to recycle:
There’s no point - Many people believe that because environmental problems are so widespread, there’s no point in recycling. They simply don’t feel that their contribution will make a difference.
It’s inconvenient - Recycling requires more planning and forethought than simply throwing everything into a garbage bin. For many people, the inconvenience of having to sort their waste, or bring it to a nearby recycling depot, is enough of a reason not to recycle.
It takes up too much space - Sorting materials into separate bins means you may need to make some extra room in your home for a regular garbage can, a food waste bin and one or more recycling bins. Many people, especially those living in small apartments, feel that recycling requires space that they don’t have.
While not everyone is on board with recycling, here are a few great reasons they may want to start:
It’s good for the earth - Recycling helps us to preserve the earth’s natural resources, reduce the energy consumption required to make new products and reduce our overall carbon footprint. Certain materials, like glass and scrap metal, can be recycled many times over with no loss in quality and are easily used to make new products.
Support the local economy - The recycling industry creates hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide. The jobs associated with mining natural resources are often highly dangerous and unstable, whereas recycling jobs are safe, reliable sources of employment for many Canadians.
It sets a good example - What better way to protect the earth for future generations than by equipping them with the knowledge and know-how they need to protect it themselves? By taking the time to recycle, we set a good example for our children and teach them how important it is to take care of the planet.
At D.B.L. Disposal Service, environmentally responsible waste management is at the heart of everything we do. We’ve proudly served Mid-Island for more than 60 years and provide eco-friendly waste management and recycling services to residential, commercial and industrial clients alike. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to request a free quote.